Hello all!
I hope to utilize this blog as a way to communicate with you outside of our classroom. You will be able to find a variety of "things" here that will help you throughout the semester.
In order to find the blog that goes with your classroom look to the left side and click on the link.
Throughout the blog you will find:
- Resources such as links to the school, library, other search databases, and even links to your other teachers
- Weekly plans...these may change but for the most part you will know by Friday night what we will be learning during the next week
- Reminders for tests, quizzes, project deadlines, and upcoming school events
- PowerPoints and (sometimes) worksheets
I'm always looking for feedback so if you find something to be very useful or useless please let me know! After all, I work on this blog to help YOU!
I'm looking forward to working with all of you this semester! Good luck and get ready to LEARN!